Peer Health Educators

Peer Health Educators

The Office of 学生健康 works hand-in-hand with student organizations on campus to promote health and wellness...Check them out below!

Active Minds (Mental Health Educators, MHEs)


  • Wellesley Active Minds is dedicated to addressing mental health stigma, 提高意识, and advocating for the rights and needs of students around topics of mental health.
  • For almost 20 years, our peer health group (formerly Organization for Mental Health Awareness) has offered programming, 资源, and institutional measures to create positive change on campus for mental health.

Our most popular events:

  • Mental Health Mic Night
  • Body Wellness Week (formerly Love Your Body Week)
  • 减压周
  • 儿童爱畜动物园
  • ...和更多的!


Balance Health Educators (BHEs)


  • The Balance Health Educators is a student organization that works to support peer health and wellness, emphasizing the importance of living a balanced lifestyle through programming focusing mainly on nutrition, 锻炼, 睡眠, and stress resiliency. 取 WellN.E.S.圣问卷 to anonymously assess your self-care and find supports and 资源.

  • 来看看! Our BHEs put together a Peer Resource Guide to help support you navigate wellness during COVID-19. 

Our most popular events:

  • WellNESSt (nutrition, 锻炼, 睡眠, stress management) Festival

  • Community Engagement hours in residence halls

  • DIY芳香疗法

  • 睡眠研讨会

  • Advocacy opportunities for health equity


Sexual Health Educators (SHEs)
  • The Sexual Health Educators (SHEs) of Wellesley College are peer educators who work with the Wellesley College Office of 学生健康 to provide medically-accurate and inclusive education and outreach in the area of sexual health.

  • We define sexual health as the following: ​“Sexual health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality. It requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, 不受胁迫, discrimination and violence.”

  • We provide safer sex supplies to the whole campus for free! Safer sex supplies are available in the residence hall laundry rooms and on your local SHE's door. If you don't see something you want, let us know and we can add that to our safer sex supply repertoire!

  • Want to become a SHE? Applications open in the fall semester every year, and we accept applicants from all class years - no previous peer health education experience required!

  • Be sure to check out "The Sex Talk You Never Had" by the Wellesley College Sexual Health Educators!

Our most popular events:

  • Sex(ual Health) Carnival

  • 男人的面板

  • SHEpardy

  • SHbingo

  • Sexual Health Education Week (SEW)

  • 春天的讲座


Substance Use Harm Reduction Education (SHaRE)
  • Wellesley Substance Harm Reduction Education (SHaRE) is a student organization that facilitates safer substance use education programming, creates a supportive space for students navigating their relationships with substances, and advocates for people who use substances on and off campus. 
  • We apply harm reduction as defined by the National Harm Reduction Coalition:

“[Harm reduction is] a set of practical strategies and ideas aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with drug use. Harm Reduction is also a movement for social justice built on a belief in, 以及对, the rights of people who use drugs.” 

Our most popular events:

  • Health Resources in Action 研讨会
  • Collaborative programming with campus partners like 学生健康, 住宅生活, and other student organizations
