Wellesley-Funded Internships: Application Support

Applying for an internship and looking to strengthen your application and increase your chance of being selected? Join us for one of our Career Ed workshops, Preliminary Application Review Day, Working Parties and more!


Information Sessions

Join the Internships Team during the two campus-wide application cycles to learn more about our 100+ Wellesley-sponsored summer internships (Fall Cycle: Oct 1 – Nov. 1; Spring Cycle: Feb. 1 – March 1). 

Register in Handshake using the links below.


Advisor Appointments

Schedule 1-1 appointments in Handshake to work with an Advisor in Career Education at any time.


Resume Workshops

Join these interactive workshops to strengthen your resume content and accomplishment statements (or start your resume from scratch!) and learn more about the Career Education resume guidelines. 


Cover Letter Basics Workshops

Whether you've never written a cover letter before, or you have some but would like to strengthen them, this workshop will help you get tips on how to write a strong and persuasive cover letter! 


Application Working Parties

Revise your resume and short-answer questions with your Wellesley sibs and advisors to help! No question is too small, no draft too rough—bring them all!


Application Preliminary Review

Looking for application feedback? Sign up for a 30-minute Application Preliminary Review with a Career Ed staff member. Application reviews can be scheduled during the week of October 21st. Sign up in Handshake. (Select “Application Preliminary Review” under the “Wellesley-Sponsored Internships and Grants category once you sign in). 

Peer Career Mentor Drop-Ins

Dates coming soon!


Mailing List

For email reminders and application tips throughout the College's Fall/Spring internship application cycles, please sign up for our Internships Mailing List


Application Resources

For stronger applications materials, check out these guidelines which include samples: