

从2002年开始, an additional gift from Betsy and Bud allowed the College to hire eight to ten Wellesley undergraduates each summer to develop technical expertise as they created and managed technology-enhanced teaching and learning projects. 暑期伊始,学生们很快就接受了HTML的培训, CSS, 数字视频和音频, 动画, 项目管理, 以及其他关键的教学技术技能. 然后, pairs of students were matched with faculty who had an instructional technology project and who could commit to working with students to finish the projects over the summer.
贝琪站在一群纳普实习生的后排2014年,Betsy Knapp和一群Knapp中心的实习生
从2002年夏天到2008年夏天, 60多名卫尔斯理学生参加了Knapp暑期教学技术实习. In 2009, Wellesley modified the Knapp intern program to respond to the changing technology landscape and changing staffing patterns.  而不是在夏季雇佣8到10名本科生,为期两个月, we chose to hire one recent Wellesley graduate to work on special instructional and/or emerging technology projects for twelve months.  在接下来的几年里, Knapp graduate interns worked on projects including the support of our initial web content management system, 我们的学习管理系统, 启动奥尔布赖特研究所的网络直播, the transition to Gmail and Google Apps (now known as G Suite); testing for a learning management system based on Google Sites and Google Apps; the pilot for an interactive whiteboards in classrooms; and web development in Drupal and PHP, 网站重新设计和实施, 响应式设计研究.
截至2017年, Knapp的实习生继续从事前沿项目, 尽管他们现在全年都在工作, 因为他们又成了本科生. 他们的许多项目都涉及数字建模和制作, 数字三维空间(又名虚拟现实), 和3D动画. 有关更多信息,请参见 克纳普的项目 页面,当前网站为 Knapp媒体和技术中心的报告 纳普在世界创客大会上实习 2016年秋天.






我喜欢在纳普实习的那个夏天. 我交了新朋友, 我学到了管理长期项目的有用技能, and I felt like I made tangible contributions to Wellesley's academic resources by creating websites for different courses and departments. 现在我已经完成了英语博士学位,并开始了大学写作指导的职业生涯, the knowledge I gained as a Knapp intern shapes how I think about using technology to enhance my own students' learning experiences. 我将永远感激这次实习, 也感谢贝特西·纳普让这一切成为可能. 

Kate Ciurej肖像

Kate Ciurej ' 08

对于我的科技事业来说,没有比在纳普实习更完美的开端了. 在韦尔斯利大学的最后一年,我发现了我对创建在线产品的热情, so I was thrilled to be accepted to a program where I could spend the summer honing my skills on campus before entering the full-time job market. 当时, 最让我兴奋的是我正在培养的技术技能, 但现在我意识到,实习最宝贵的经验教训是团队合作和领导能力. 当我完成节目的时候, I landed a dream job building the blogging platforms that allowed writers to share their stories with millions of people. Many thanks to Betsy and her family for an opportunity that has set the stage for a very fulfilling career in technology.



Working on projects as a Knapp Intern has impacted my understanding of what it means to engage in digital humanities, 以及这个领域存在的困难. 必须在诸如如何表示真实物体的3D模型等方面做出选择, 以及模型是否应该专注于单个区域或细节, 或者整个物体. 通过这种批判性的分析来参与材料不仅帮助我成为一个更好的学生, 同时也为毕业后的生活做准备.



The Knapp internship provided me an opportunity to put the skills I'd learned in my computer science classes to use in a meaningful way and opened my eyes to how I may use some of this knowledge in the "real world". 同时, 我与韦尔斯利的教职员工建立了牢固的关系,这种关系一直持续到今天. 实习教会了我很强的项目管理能力, 如何在团队中成为一个有效的队友, and design thinking/prototyping - all of these skills serve me well in my current job and as I've continued my education. I'm thankful for the development opportunities that the Knapp internship provided me and as well as for the fact that in allowed me to spend a summer on the beautiful Wellesley campus.
The Knapp Center was my second home at Wellesley - I started working there my sophomore year and spent countless hours there working and doing homework during the rest of my time at Wellesley. It's one of my mandatory stops every time I'm back on campus; I love seeing how it's changed and what remains the same. I feel so honored to have been part of Knapp at Wellesley and to still be in contact with many of the other students and staff that I worked with!



Knapp实习不仅让我走上了web开发的道路, 但也为我至今的整个职业生涯铺平了道路. The experience of working directly with faculty and staff at Wellesley was invaluable during my time as a Web Developer at Case Western Reserve University, 并进一步为我管理目前在进步保险公司的数字团队做好了准备. 实习让我把激情和才华转化为现实世界的应用, 为我提供了一位出色的导师,他的建议至今仍在指导着我.



在我追求媒体艺术的过程中 & 韦尔斯利的科学学院, 克纳普实习是激发我兴趣的绝佳途径, 在现实世界中. 我的项目多种多样,而且具有教育意义, 从设计一个皇冠体育光污染对浮游动物影响的网站, 创建中文教程flash动画. They allowed me to practice the art of gathering strong requirements from clients while balancing creativity and professionalism. 我很荣幸有导师和同事支持和挑战我, 他告诉我,享受和你一起工作的人往往和你做什么一样重要.
这些教训在我的职业生涯中一直很有用, 从自由网页和平面设计, 在一家大型生物技术公司工作,创造软件用户体验. 他们灌输了一种对优秀设计要素的欣赏, 不管我是在为社交媒体拍照, 注意产品包装上字体的选择, 或者编写演示文稿的幻灯片. 我要感谢贝琪·纳普给我的礼物, 还有很多其他女性, this opportunity to learn the fundamentals and gain confidence in our abilities as professional equals early on in our development.

Kamile Lukosiute肖像

Kamile Lukosiute,物理学' 19

今年我在Knapp媒体中心工作的时候做了很多事情, 我认为对我最有影响的项目是Python研讨会上的编程. 这些研讨会既有趣又低风险, so I hope that the students that attended had their curiosity sparked and will seek a more formal education in programming. 就我个人而言,我在课堂教学中学到了很多. I am grateful for the opportunity to lead these workshops because the skills I gain now will be useful in my future, 因为我希望从事学术和教学工作.
我也一直在学习如何构建虚拟现实体验. I also hope that this project leads to other faculty at the college using emerging technology in creative ways. 对我个人来说,这个项目很有启发意义. Learning how to learn and learning how to overcome hurdles in projects are the most important skills I hope to come out with at the end of my college career, 因为它们适用于我可能选择进入的任何领域. 学习如何构建这些环境对我来说是非常宝贵的经历, 因为我每次来Knapp中心工作时都会练习这些技能.

安娜米. Pfortsch肖像

安娜米. Pförtsch,媒体艺术与科学' 17

在纳普实习是我卫尔斯理职业生涯的决定性时刻, 它对我的知识有所贡献, 迫使我变得更有创造力, 让我能够与其他Knapp实习生和校园内的学生合作.
我在纳普中学到的许多技能对我找到实习或工作都有不可思议的帮助. 能够舒适地使用和讨论像3D打印这样的东西, 物联网设备, VR, AR, 和更多的, as well as having projects to show off (all which were made because I worked at Knapp) has been extremely impressive to interviewers. 我想举一个我被邀请参加马拉松/面试的例子, 在那里我是最小的, 也是唯一的大学生, 因为是唯一舒适的使用3D打印机和激光切割机. 那是我引以为傲的一刻, 但也很感激我在本科期间接触了这么多技术.
我在纳普受到的挑战比我在韦尔斯利(Wellesley)的课堂上感受到的要多. 在我做项目的时候, 我感到沮丧, 难住了, 和失去, 但最终, 在给我的时间里,我可以继续前进,并找出解决问题的方法.



我申请了Knapp实习,因为我喜欢摆弄Photoshop. 当我离开学校时,我知道我想要一份与学习有关的职业, 玩, 创造力和团队合作是我在纳普的经历的核心. 我从事用户体验设计工作已经超过10年了, 我将永远感激贝琪帮我找到人生道路.


哈凡娜·陈,英语与媒体艺术科学' 19

One of my significant contributions to the development of the Knapp Intern program has been the organization of the 2017 Ruhlman exhibition titled: Wait, 是你做的?:皇冠体育的制造与制造专业. 这次展览展出了我们去年的全部作品, 包括数字媒体工作, 虚拟现实体验, 三维建模和扫描, 等. 从这个展览中, I have had students express interest in joining the program and developing their own media related projects as well as express interest in coming to consult interns for their media-related projects. 最终, I have found that my work at the Knapp Center has both helped in my personal artistic and professional development and the development and exposure of the program to the greater college community.

Christine Yang肖像


在Knapp实习是一段非常有益的经历. I was able to learn from my peers and also have the freedom to focus on the things that I am interested in, 这与我通常在课堂上采用的方法有很大不同吗.