
浪费 & 回收的指导方针

在马萨诸塞州, 有禁止回收垃圾的禁令, 可降解的, 防止有害物质进入废物流. These bans help reduce the overall volume and toxicity of trash disposed of in Massachusetts. Look through this page for information on how you can help make Wellesley more sustainable by properly disposing of your waste.



For more information on Wellesley’s recycling system, check out the links below:  



A zero waste event reflects a conscientious effort to reduce the total amount of waste created, 90%的垃圾要么被堆肥,要么被回收. 在大多数情况下, 主要的废物来源是食物, 盘子, 杯, 和餐巾, 在我们的校园里, 可降解的 versions of these items can be diverted from landfills with the proper planning. Our most successful zero waste events are ones that make all the tableware materials 可降解的. 

查看我们的 零废物指引 to learn more about how you can make your event more sustainable. 



  • 包括: 空1- 5号塑料容器,如水瓶, 牛奶罐, 酸奶杯, laundry detergent bottles; metal cans, clean aluminum foil; 玻璃 bottles and jars.

    • 没有液体或食物!

    • 仍有疑问? 把它扔掉! It’s better to put unknown containers in the trash stream to avoid contaminating the entire commingled bin. 

  • 本位置: 寻找蓝色, 贴上标签, commingled bins at recycling stations typically located near stairwells and communal kitchens in most buildings on campus. 

    • 在一些宿舍楼里(波默罗伊, 毕比, 芒格, 和遣散费), take commingled items to trash and recycling rooms located in the basement.

  • 目的地:科万塔回收设施,马萨诸塞州 

  • 包括: flattened cardboard shipping boxes; flattened chipboard cereal/food boxes; newspaper; paper notebooks (wire is okay); softcover books
    • 不要用油腻的纸或用过的餐巾纸

    • 搬离时应捐赠课本/精装书

    • 仍有疑问? 把它扔掉! It’s better to put unknown materials in the trash stream to avoid contaminating the entire paper bin. 

  • 本位置: 寻找有标签的灰色纸张 & cardboard bins at recycling stations typically located near stairwells and communal kitchens in most buildings on campus. 

    • 在一些宿舍楼里(波默罗伊, 毕比, 芒格, 和遣散费), take paper & cardboard items to trash and recycling rooms located in the basement

    • 有时 

  • 目的地: 韦尔斯利回收 & 处置设施(RDF)

  • 包括什么:所有食物残渣(包括肉类), bones and dairy); teabags, ground coffee and filters; napkins and paper towels; BPI-certified 可降解的 杯, 盘子, 器具等.

    • 没有液体!

  • 本位置: Look for green and 贴上标签 bins located at the recycling stations in the Lulu Wang Campus Center and in the dining halls. 

    • If a compost bin is unavailable, these items should go in the trash 

  • 目的地:农业循环能源公司,ME

  • 包括: Food wrappers; styrofoam containers; plastic utensils; paper 杯; soiled paper, 纸巾——任何不能回收的东西! 

  • 本位置: 选择黑色, 贴上标签, trash bins at recycling stations typically located near stairwells and communal kitchens in most buildings on campus. 

  • 目的地: 科万塔设施,马萨诸塞州

  • 包括: batteries (tape the ends); small electronics; lightbulbs (wrap in bubble wrap); thermometers and other items containing mercury; pesticides

  • 本位置: There are special gray and purple 垃圾箱 for universal waste in each dorm (on 1st floors or in laundry rooms, 问问你的EcoRep你是否有困难找到它们), 克纳普中心(克纳普图书馆一楼), 和科学中心.

  • 目的地: 马萨诸塞州福尔里弗的完整回收解决方案(CRS)



The main purpose of recycling is to decrease the amount of natural resources required to make new products and materials. 通过回收, 我们可以减少寻找的需要, 提取, and process both renewable and non-renewable resources such as timber and oil. Additionally, recycling helps to lower the amount of waste sent to incinerators and landfills (source).


如果材料不在回收标志上,您可以联系 sustainability@韦尔斯利.edu 学习如何妥善处理物品.

混合是什么意思? 我们为什么不把玻璃和塑料分开放呢?

意思是“混合的”. 在韦尔斯利, our commingled stream is made up of different but similar materials in that they are sent to the same recycling facility, and do not generate enough waste to have separate bins on campus. Once the commingled recycling items reach the Covanta Recycling Facility to be processed, 塑料, 玻璃, 金属物品也会被分类回收.


Universal waste are materials that would normally be hazardous wastes but are commonly used/disposed so more accessible regulations are necessary to encourage recycling and proper disposal of these materials. Common universal waste items include handlheld electronics, batteries, and fluorescent lightbulbs. For more information on types and how to dispose, please see the main recycling page. 


大多数房间都有回收箱, but to help make recycling easier the Office of 可持续性 created the recycling bag program. 2019年开始, each incoming student is given a reusable bag during Orientation to use and transport their recycling from their rooms to the 垃圾箱 on each floor. 这些袋子上也有回收指南. 如果你需要新包,请联系我 sustainability@韦尔斯利.edu.

Does the Office of 可持续性 offer paper shredding services?

Due to confidentiality rules, the Office of 可持续性 does not offer shredding services.

How can I recycle my desk phone/coffee machine/lamp or other miscellaneous electric items?

小型电子产品(电话、游戏设备等..),可放入万能垃圾箱. Larger electronics or bulk disposals may require specialized pick up, 哪些可以通过安排 EHS危险废物管理页面.


The Office of 可持续性 typically only collects donations during the month of May through the sust bins placed in the residence halls for move-out. Please visit the Move-in/Move-out page to see if your materials can be accepted.


Dorm items are sold at discounted price to incoming students during the August 可持续性 Sale. Anything that cannot be sold at the sale is donated or if possible, recycled. Clothing and textiles are typically donated to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Natick and in the Spring of 2020, 皇冠体育捐赠了8个,给大哥大姐们840磅的衣服!