Placement/AP Credit

Placement Exams and Using AP Credit

Placement Exams and Questionnaires

分班考试让你展示你进入韦尔斯利的知识水平. 报名参加分班考试,并参加分班在线考试和问卷调查,通过点击分班考试报名的链接在工作日进入学生检查表. 

Please be aware that the Honor Code governs all exams that you take at Wellesley, including any online placement tests you may take this summer. 这意味着我们相信你会忠实地按照每次考试的指示去做, to do your own work, 不要在参加考试后分享考试信息,因为其他同学可能还没有参加考试. 

For continued language study:

如果你已经学过卫尔斯理提供的一门语言,并且想继续学习, 你应该按照语言部门的具体安排. Most departments require that you take a placement exam, the Spanish department also considers AP scores, while others may ask to have a brief interview with you. If you have studied more than one language, it is possible to get placement results from multiple departments, 虽然更好的策略是学习你更感兴趣的语言, and leave the second one for another time.

French, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russia, 和西班牙语要求有这些语言学习经验的新生在夏季参加在线分班考试. 西班牙语AP成绩为4或5分的学生不需要参加分班考试,应遵循所列出的指导方针 here.


Arabic, German, Hebrew, 斯瓦希里语和斯瓦希里语在新生入学指导期间为有这些语言经验的新生提供分班测试/面试.

Satisfying the language requirement:



A. Students may fulfill the language requirement by completing two units of language study at the second-year college level as defined by the language department or program; or

B. 通过分班考试为语言高级课程做好充分准备的学生, through an AP score of 5, or through an IB Higher Level Score of 5 or above, 是否可以通过在系或项目指定的高级课程中完成一个用该语言教授的工作单元来完成语言要求, or by completing two semesters of introductory work in a different language; or

C. 学生可以通过在其他机构完成的课程来满足语言要求, subject to approval by the appropriate department or program (this requirement may not be met by independent work); approval will typically include a placement test, and may include a requirement that the student take an additional course in the language at Wellesley; or

D. 以英语为母语的学生或英语以外语言的高级学习者可以通过适当部门或项目的许可来满足语言要求(在韦尔斯利不教授语言的情况下), 通过向学术审查委员会提交证明该语言熟练程度的文件).


For music study: The music theory placement exam is required of students who plan to study music performance at Wellesley. It's available online over the summer, on the Entering Student Checklist. 


For physics study: These exams are for placement into upper-level courses, and relatively few students will have the background needed to do that. Read about the physics placement exam for advice.  这些考试将于今年夏天通过检查表在线提供,从7月初开始. 


Quantitative Reasoning: All new students will take the Quantitative Reasoning skills assessment online over the summer. The study guide is available online, and the assessment will be available in the checklist in mid June.


Calculus Placement Questionnaire: The Math Department wants to know the state of your knowledge right now, 你应该从哪里开始在韦尔斯利学习数学的最好指标是什么, should you choose to do that. All new students are encouraged to take the Calculus Placement Questionnaire online over the summer, although you are not 要求在第一学期学习微积分课程或数学.


Getting placement exam results

After August 1 click on the guide to learning the results of placement exams given in 2019.


Using AP and other Credits


许多来到韦尔斯利的学生在高中时都修过大学先修课程, 在他们的中学学习过国际文凭课程, 通过其他方式(取决于其原产国)进行了高级工作测试, or having taken college courses while finishing up high school. This work is important to consider in two ways: for placement and for credit.

如果你已经修过大学水平的课程,或者在高中修过大学先修课程或其他高级课程,那么当你开始在韦尔斯利学习时,你可能已经准备好了更高级的课程. Scores of 5 on AP exams and grades of 5, 6, 在IB高级考试中获得7分可以让你直接进入高级课程. If you have taken such courses, or taken other courses in college while you were finishing high school, and enjoyed those studies and want to continue, 一定要检查所有可用的课程,选择适合你的可能性.

AP科目和韦尔斯利的一些特定课程之间有一些直接的对等关系, see the Registrar’s AP Exam Credit Guide. For IB Equivalencies, consult the Registrar's page on International Baccalaureate Credits. 如果你在高中做过这种高级的工作,你应该考虑是否在韦尔斯利参加相应的课程:一些学生参加韦尔斯利等效课程是为了确保他们在该领域有良好的知识和技能. That is fine, but please note that a student cannot also receive credit for the AP work if they take the Wellesley course in that area. 其他学生会觉得他们有一个良好的基础,从他们的AP工作, and will be ready to start at a higher level. 和你的老师谈谈你以前的课程是否有资格从更高的水平开始.


If you have scores of 5 on a language AP, and you want to go on in that language at Wellesley, you should still take the placement exam for that language. See the Physics Department's FAQ 如果你的物理先修课成绩达到5分,你可以咨询有关参加物理豁免/分班考试的建议. 所有学生都应该参加数学分班考试,无论他们的AP成绩如何.


To get AP credit added to your record, have the College Board report your scores to Wellesley's Registrar's Office. 在韦尔斯利成功完成一年的学习之后,AP课程的学分才会被添加到学生的记录中, but you can have the scores sent in advance of that.

See more details about AP issues on the Registrar's website.