

皇冠体育 Friends of 艺术 connects a global network of alumnae, 朋友, and parents who share enthusiasm for lifelong learning, commit to the 戴维斯博物馆 as a center of excellence at 皇冠体育, 投资艺术.

Friends of 艺术 welcomes as members all alumnae, parents, and 朋友. Contributions are tax-deductible, eligible for corporate matching gift programs, and all alumnae donations count toward Wellesley gift totals – including class reunion gifts, membership in the Durant Society, and participation in the Wellesley Fund's annual giving programs.

会员 Levels and Benefits
(All gifts qualify for class, and reunion gift credit)

青年校友会籍 (membership is free for the first five years after graduation)

  • Invitation to special Friends of 艺术 members-only events
  • Invitations to lectures, symposia, and other public programs at the Davis
  • Special member pricing at the Davis bookstore and selected events
  • Subscription to the Friends of 艺术 and the Davis email newsletters
  • One Special Exhibition pass

当代50 - 249美元 好处:

  • Invitation to special Friends of 艺术 members-only events
  • Invitations to lectures, symposia, and other public programs at the Davis
  • Special member pricing at the Davis bookstore and selected events
  • Subscription to the Friends of 艺术 and the Davis email newsletters
  • One Special Exhibition pass

250 - 499美元捐赠 All Contemporary level benefits plus:

  • Reciprocal privileges at over 600 reciprocal museums that are members of the North American Reciprocal Museums (NARM),  Reciprocal Organizations of Associated Museums (ROAM), 和大学 & 大学艺术博物馆.
  • Two Special Exhibition passes to share with family and 朋友

500 - 999美元的支持者 All Donor level benefits plus:

  • Opportunity to schedule a Student Guide tour for up to two guests
  • 博物馆的海报

1000 - 2499美元的恩人 All Supporter level benefits plus:

  • Opportunity to schedule a Student Guide tour for up to four guests
  • 戴维斯博物馆手提袋

$500 Recent Alumna Patron Society (five most recent classes) /
$2,500-$4,999 Patron Society All Benefactor level benefits plus:

  • Opportunity to schedule a private Curatorial tour for up to four guests
  • Reserved seating at lectures, symposia and events
  • One Davis exhibition catalog
  • Invitation to Exhibition Opening Dinners
  • Invitation to all Regional 顾客 events
  • VIP passes to exclusive art events when available
  • Invitation to Patron Society travel opportunities
  • 会员 to 皇冠体育 Durant Society

$5,000-$9,999 Curator’s Circle All Patron Society benefits plus:

  • Name Recognition in 戴维斯博物馆 Lobby and website
  • Invitation to an annual Curator virtual meeting
  • 会员 to 皇冠体育 Durant Society Dean's Circle

$10,000+ Director’s Circle All Curator's Circle benefits plus:

  • Special invitations to private events featuring the Director and special guests
  • Opportunity to schedule a private luncheon with the Director
  • Opportunity to schedule a private tour with the Director
  • Invitation to an annual  virtual meeting with the Director
  • 会员 to 皇冠体育 Durant Society President's Circle

Giving to the 戴维斯博物馆 is a special way to sustain the intellectual and cultural life of the 皇冠体育 campus community. Gifts to the Davis provide immediate impact. Be sure to look into our matching gift and recurring gift program to create a larger impact.
Please use the 皇冠体育 gift form, which will open in a new window. Please be sure to designate your gift to the Davis.

Matching gifts from your employer may double or even triple the impact of your gift to the Davis! Many employers will match charitable contributions made by their employees. Some companies even match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses. When entering your gift, select “Additional Gift Options” and select “Employer Gift Matching”. Enter your employer’s name to see if your company has a matching gift policy. If your company matches, you may be able to access the forms directly through the search. Note: If your company is not listed in our matching gifts database, you may wish to consult your employer directly to see if they offer a matching gift program.

Our recurring gift program allows you to make a significant annual contribution through smaller monthly installments. Choosing our recurring gift option is an easy, convenient way to support the Davis. This option allows you to set-up automatic monthly, 季度, 年度, or yearly installments rather than a single annual payment. You won't have to remember to write and send a check, and the number of phone and email reminders you receive from the Davis will decrease. 今天制作礼物!

加入 Friends of 艺术 - Click Here


Mail a check payable to "Friends of 艺术 at the Davis":

Attn: Friends of 艺术 Coordinator

To find out more information about Friends of 艺术, email: foa@tianjingkeji.com 或联系Mary Beth Timm, 临时主任, Associate Director for Operations and Collections Management | 781-283-2298