
每个文学学士学位的候选人必须展示, 通常是在她高三开始之前, 她至少能熟练使用一种语言, 古代或现代, 英语以外的. 可透过下列其中一种方法达到上述要求:


A. Students may fulfill the language requirement by completing two units of language study at the second-year college level as defined by the language department or program; or

B. 通过分班考试为语言高级课程做好充分准备的学生, 通过AP 5分, 或IB高级成绩达到5分或以上, 是否可以通过在系或项目指定的高级课程中完成一个用该语言教授的工作单元来完成语言要求, or by completing two semesters of introductory work in a different language; or

C. 学生可以通过在其他机构完成的课程来满足语言要求, subject to approval by the appropriate department or program (this requirement may not be met by independent work); approval will typically include a placement test, and may include a requirement that the student take an additional course in the language at Wellesley; or

D. 以英语为母语的学生或英语以外语言的高级学习者可以通过适当部门或项目的许可来满足语言要求(在韦尔斯利不教授语言的情况下), 通过向学术审查委员会提交证明该语言熟练程度的文件).


A. 通过完成大学二年级的语言学习(通过韦尔斯利202课程), or, 在拉丁语中, 201); or

B. 如果学生可以通过分班考试向适当的部门或项目证明她已经做好了充分的准备, by completing one unit of work taught in the foreign language above the course numbered 202 (the appropriate department or program will determine the appropriate placement for these students); or 

C. 通过在其他机构完成的课程, subject to approval by the appropriate department or program (this requirement may not be met by independent work); approval will typically include a placement test, and may include a requirement that the student take an additional course in the language at Wellesley; or 

D. 通过大学入学考试委员会的一项语言测试, SAT II至少690分, or the Advanced Placement Examination at a score of 5; or by passing a Higher Level IB language exam with a score of 5, 6 or 7.

E. 对于以英语为母语的学生或英语以外语言的高级学习者, 经适当的部门或项目的许可(在韦尔斯利不教语言的情况下), 通过向学术审查委员会提交证明该语言熟练程度的文件).  



中级语言课程以下列语言提供:阿拉伯语, 中国人, 法国, 德国, 希腊文(希腊文201可以是希腊文202或宗教298), 希伯来语, 印度-乌尔都语为母语的人口, 意大利, 日本, 朝鲜文, 拉丁, 葡萄牙语, 俄罗斯, 西班牙语, 和斯瓦希里语.

