Teaches Italian language and literature, literary theory, and writing; works as a translator.

The main focus of my research and publications is the relationship between ethics and aesthetics in 20th-century Italian literature. 特别是, I have studied how authors who write from a culturally marginal perspective challenge the highly coded Italian literary tradition by opening up a discussion on the balance between ethical issues and writing in literary texts. Currently I am investigating the relationship between Judaism and writing in contemporary Italian literature. 我是……的作者 Writing as Freedom, Writing as Testimony: Four Italian Writers and Judaism (Syracuse University Press, 2008) and Eros Onnipotente: erotismo, letteratura e impegno nell'opera di Pier Paolo Pasolini e Jean Genet (Tirrenia Stampatori, 2003). My work also includes the translations of L 'orso马焦雷湖 by Ginevra Bompiani, as 大熊 (Italica Press, November 2000), and Simonetta帕金斯 由L.P. Hartley (Nottetempo, 2008).

This approach to the study of Italian literature is central to the shaping of my classes. I have designed and taught a variety of courses on Italian literature and culture: a course on the cultural construction of Italian identity (ITAS 272); a seminar on Jewish Italian literature and on the various contributions made by Jewish writers to the Italian literary tradition (ITAS 209/309); a survey course on the role of the court in the shaping of Italian cultural life during the Renaissance (ITAS 312), an advanced seminar on Renaissance theater as the mirror of a 复杂的 and dynamic relationship between power and culture (ITAS 311), and a course on 20th-century Italian poetry (ITAS 320) dedicated to the ways in which Italian landscape found expression in the literary works of its major contemporary poets. I have also been teaching a first-year seminar on literary theory for the 韦尔斯利 Writing Program (WRIT125-22).


  • B.A., University of Turin, Italy
  • M.A.布朗大学
  • Ph.D.布朗大学

Current and upcoming courses

  • Considered since the Renaissance as a homoerotic haven, Italy was for a long time the favorite destination of many gay writers in flight from the rigid sexual mores of their home countries. In Italy’s warmer Mediterranean climate, rich and sensuous figurative arts, 还有古代服装, they found a culture that seemed more at ease with a nuanced idea of human sexuality. 毕竟, Italy is the country that gave birth to famous artists who became icons of LGBTQ+ culture, such as the painter Caravaggio and the poet Pasolini, 这, unlike other Western nations, never had laws criminalizing homoeroticism. 今天, 矛盾的是, Italy is the Western European country which is most lagging behind in passing legislation in support of LGBTQ+ rights. From the lack of a full legal recognition of gay marriage and adoption rights to the failure to approve a hate-crime bill for the protection of LGBTQ+ individuals, Italian society still shows great reluctance to grant full equal rights to LGBTQ Italians. With these historical contradictions in the background, this course will retrace the steps of the rich, 复杂的, and often tortuous path of LGBTQ+ culture in Italy from the early representations of sodomy, during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, in works by Dante and Poliziano, to the shaping of a political and social discourse around homosexuality in literary texts by twentieth century writers, 比如萨巴, Bassani, 金兹堡, 和Morante, to the emergence of a political debate on current LGBTQ+ issues, 比如艾滋病, 恐同症, transgender and transexual rights, in works by contemporary artists, 比如通德利, 宝宝, 和拉瓦尼亚. (ITAS 210 and PEAC 210 are cross-listed courses.)
  • Considered since the Renaissance as a homoerotic haven, Italy was for a long time the favorite destination of many gay writers in flight from the rigid sexual mores of their home countries. In Italy’s warmer Mediterranean climate, rich and sensuous figurative arts, 还有古代服装, they found a culture that seemed more at ease with a nuanced idea of human sexuality. 毕竟, Italy is the country that gave birth to famous artists who became icons of LGBTQ+ culture, such as the painter Caravaggio and the poet Pasolini, 这, unlike other Western nations, never had laws criminalizing homoeroticism. 今天, 矛盾的是, Italy is the Western European country which is most lagging behind in passing legislation in support of LGBTQ+ rights. From the lack of a full legal recognition of gay marriage and adoption rights to the failure to approve a hate-crime bill for the protection of LGBTQ+ individuals, Italian society still shows great reluctance to grant full equal rights to LGBTQ Italians. With these historical contradictions in the background, this course will retrace the steps of the rich, 复杂的, and often tortuous path of LGBTQ+ culture in Italy from the early representations of sodomy, during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, in works by Dante and Poliziano, to the shaping of a political and social discourse around homosexuality in literary texts by twentieth century writers, 比如萨巴, Bassani, 金兹堡, 和Morante, to the emergence of a political debate on current LGBTQ+ issues, 比如艾滋病, 恐同症, transgender and transexual rights, in works by contemporary artists, 比如通德利, 宝宝, 和拉瓦尼亚. (ITAS 210 and PEAC 210 are cross-listed courses.)
  • A study of translation in theory and in practice, in its literal and metaphorical senses alike, and of the multilingual world in which translation takes place. Topics: translation of literary texts, translation of sacred texts, the history and politics of translation, the lives of translators, translation and gender, 机器翻译, adaptation as translation. Students taking the course at the 300 level will do a substantial independent project: a translation, 学术研究, or a combination of the two.