



  • 本课程探讨社会正义之间的交叉点, 冲突, 和工程使用跨学科, 亲自动手的, 案例研究法. 我们将探索四种技术(无人机), 手机, 炉灶和水泵), 在每个案例中探索具体的工程概念以及使用该技术的伦理和政治含义. The case studies will inform our discussions of the following big ideas: technology is directly linked to social justice and can have both highly beneficial and highly problematic results for the development and transformation of 冲突s; understanding technology at a deeper level is critical to understanding the justice impact on communities and people; media communication about technology and technological innovations' benefits can be hyperbolic and requires a critical lens. 和平与正义研究专业的学生必须注册peac305. 其他专业的学生可以根据他们的准备情况注册PEAC 305或ENGR 305. (ENGR 305和PEAC 305是交叉上市的课程.)
  • 这个实践课程将探索产品是如何创建的, 包括对创意和头脑风暴的探索, 逆向工程, 以及产品开发过程. 重点将放在人为因素工程的作用, 包括特定产品的可用性成功和失败. 学生将通过两种方法来学习这些主题:拆解和研究现有产品,以及为特定目标创建简单的产品原型, 当地的非营利组织,为有发育或身体缺陷的人群提供服务. 到学期末, students will be able to comprehend and independently apply both the product development process and specific human factors engineering approaches used in the design of many everyday objects; they will also have developed their own creativity and better understand how to further develop and apply that skill.