Open Source Software


想要在个人计算机上访问Adobe应用程序的学生有两种选择. 学生可以购买Adobe Creative Suite discounted price through eAcademy. 学生们还可以利用按月支付的方式 Adobe “Creative Cloud” service (请务必选择学生/教师版,以获得更优惠的价格).

当Adobe不是课程要求时, students requiring access to pdf, image, audio, 视频解决方案可以利用免费的开源软件或学生可以通过各自的供应商购买的低成本软件应用程序(见下面的列表)。.

Multimedia Project

Free/Open Source Software

licensed Adobe equivalent

if you want to...

try using...

  • edit a photograph
  • add text to an image
  • 创建一个数字绘图或绘画

Photopea (Chromebook, Windows, Mac, Linux) 

A browser-based tool designed to mirror Photoshop; supports several file formats (including PSD and RAW) and offers features that other free image editing programs don’t (Spot Healing brush, Quick Selection, and more).


GIMP (Windows, Mac, Linux): 

Arguably the most popular Photoshop alternative; used for image editing and retouching, drawing, switching file formats, and more specialized tasks. 您可以通过插件自定义和扩展功能.

  • design a research poster
  • create an infographic
  • trace a map
  • make a logo
  • 创建一个数字绘图或绘画

Vectr (Chromebook, Windows, Mac, Linux)

基于浏览器的工具,包括您开始制作简单信息图表所需的大多数基本功能, icons, logos, 或其他小矢量插图. Great for quick file creation; account required in order to save project files as drafts.


Method (Chromebook, Windows, Mac, Linux)

基于浏览器的工具,允许您快速创建和保存矢量图形为 .svg and .png files.


InkScape (Windows, Mac, Linux)

一个矢量图形编辑应用程序,用于创建插图,图表和徽标等内容. 具有比Vectr更多的功能,但需要下载和安装才能使用.


Krita (Windows, Mac, Linux)

Aimed primarily at artists; great for creating things like concept art, texture and matte digital paintings, illustrations, and comics.

  • design a research poster
  • 创建页面/小册子/杂志布局

Scribus (Windows, Mac, Linux)

一个开源的页面布局程序,具有与InDesign相同的基本特性和功能. 兼容TIFF、JPEG、PSD和AI文件(但不兼容InDesign (.INDD) project files). 注意:如果你使用MacOS Mojave或Catalina,你需要下载 Scribus 1.5 development version instead of the Scribus 1.4 stable version.

  • create a PDF from scanner
  • combine multiple PDF files
  • 编辑PDF文件(删除,添加,插入,旋转,裁剪页面)

Scribus (Windows, Mac, Linux)

尽管它与adobeindesign比adobeacrobat有更多的相似之处, Scribus是创建和编辑PDF文档的好选择! 注意:如果你使用MacOS Mojave或Catalina,你需要下载 Scribus 1.5 development version instead of the Scribus 1.4 stable version


LibreOffice (Windows, Mac, Linux)

取代Microsoft Office套件的多功能工具,是创建文档和导出为PDF的绝佳选择. 要编辑现有的PDF,你需要使用LibreOffice Draw(包含在LibreOffice下载中). 


InkScape (Windows, Mac, Linux)

Not just a vector graphics creation tool; you can also import and edit PDFs with it! 如果你的PDF图片太多,这是一个很好的选择.

Acrobat Pro
  • edit video clips together
  • add titles and transitions

OpenShot (Windows 7-10, MacOS X 10.9+, and Linux)

简单的视频编辑程序,具有与iMovie相当的功能. 与DaVinci Resolve或Adobe Premiere Pro等功能强大的视频编辑软件相比,它需要的处理能力更低, and is relatively easy to learn. 如果你的操作系统较旧,无法运行其他视频编辑应用程序,那么这个工具尤其有用!


Adobe Premiere Rush (mobile) (iPhone or Android)

Video editing application from Adobe that has many of the same features as the iMovie mobile app; titles, speed controls, multiple video + audio tracks. Only the mobile version offers free unlimited project exports; the desktop version is limited to 3 projects.


DaVinci Resolve (Windows 10, MacOS 10.14.6+, and Linux) 

一个功能强大的免费软件,具有可与Adobe Premiere Pro媲美的功能. 完美的高级功能,如色彩校正, minor VFX edits, 并集成音频后期制作. Requires processing power and space that not all computers are equipped with; minimum of 16GB memory, 32GB is preferred.

Premiere Pro
  • capture clips from a DVD
Handbrake (Windows, Mac, Linux)  
  • 视频合成(如如果你结合Photoshop +视频编辑!)
  • VFX

Blender (Windows, Mac, Linux)

一个3D建模工具,可用于创建3D和2D动画, visual effects, compositing and videos.

After Effects

没有免费软件可以完全复制AE, 但一些3D建模软件也能达到类似的效果.

  • record audio
  • edit audio clips together
  • optimize audio
  • create music tracks

Audacity (Windows, Mac, Linux)

伟大的工具,初学者和中级录音和编辑. 缺乏一些花哨的超级专业音频编辑, 但应该满足普通用户的需求! Screen-Reader Version on macOS


AudioMass (Chromebook, Windows, Mac, Linux)

一个轻量级的,基于浏览器的工具,非常适合快速编辑或Chromebook用户. 你可以通过在“帮助”菜单下预加载它来离线使用它,你可以通过“文件”菜单保存音频项目的草稿. 如果没有保存项目就关闭了浏览器, 自上次本地保存以来的所有编辑将会丢失.

  • record a computer screen
  • 为软件演示创建一个屏幕播放
  • 设计互动式教学内容


Zoom (Windows, Mac, Linux)

QuickTime (Windows, Mac)

Apowersoft (Chromebook, Windows, Mac, Linux) 

Skitch (Mac)


没有免费软件可以完全复制Captivate, 但是串联使用不同的工具可以达到相似的最终结果.

  • create 2D or 3D drawings
  • create 3D models
  • CAD/CAM design/engineering

Blender (Windows, Mac, Linux)

一个3D建模工具,可用于创建3D和2D动画, visual effects, compositing and videos. 


Autodesk (Chromebook, Windows, Mac, Linux)

免费给学生(必须注册和验证) .edu email)


Onshape (Chromebook, Windows, Mac, Linux)


Sketchup (Chromebook, Windows, Mac, Linux)

Aero, Dimension
  • 转换音频或视频文件格式
  • compress audio or video files
ShutterEncoder (Windows, Mac) Media Encoder